Creative Painting!

The following are examples of painting ideas focused on process rather than product:


  • Painting on foil            Image result for tin foil

    Children will be able to experiment with tin foil as a different type of medium to work with.

    Process Art for Preschoolers: Painting with Yarn and Tempera Paint

    • Painting with coffee filters was demonstrated by a group in our class.Homemade Paintbrushes - these look so fun!

    Materials required:
    Paint, Coffee filters, white sheets of paper, rubber bands.

    Different colours of paint were put into coffee filters and tied at the top.  The children were free to pat, or smear and create a unique piece of art.  They were also developing fine motor skills while painting and picking up the coffee filter paint sacs.


           Sponge Painting

    • Our group (group #2) demonstrated painting with different shape sponges, sponge tools, pot scrubbers and q-tips.


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